Tuesday 30 July 2013

There is an old saying: If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans. No matter how much we try to schedule our lives, things happen when we least expect it and we scramble trying to find a way to cope. If you just take the time to roll with the changes, you might find that it is a good thing in the end.

One event that usually requires more planning than anything else is how, exactly, you are going to propose to your girlfriend. I say exactly because most men agonize over every last detail-where it’s going to happen, what you’re going to say, how you’re going to hand her the ring, every last bit of it. This is one thing that will not be changed, except of course when stuff happens.

You come home from work on a Wednesday. Your girlfriend tells you she got an amazing deal and the two of you are going away for a romantic weekend. Suddenly the plans you had for asking her next month just got replaced. Only problem is you haven’t bought the ring yet, and there is no proposing without the ring. Whatever are you going to do?

You are going to the jewelers tomorrow and you are going to find out about jewelry financing. You get the ring you want, at a rate that you can afford and be able to surprise her with the proposal when she least expected it.


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