Tuesday 23 July 2013

Every tool is designed primarily for a specific purpose. It may double as something else on occasion, but its original creation was meant for one thing. That being said, there isn’t a many alive who hasn’t used a wrench as a hammer or a hammer as a can opener. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, the efficiency usually being in direct proportion to the size of the item the tool is being used on. In other words, the smaller it is, the more specialized tool you better be using on it. A jeweler’s tools are designed specifically for working with fine jewelry, which is one of the smallest and most delicate things out there.

The most common tool that we associate with the professional jeweler is what’s known as a loop. This is the hand-held lens use to examine jewelry to determine its quality as well as to search out any imperfections or issues that might need to be repaired. For that reason alone, it might be the most important part of a jeweler’s tool collection. It certainly helps to have the proper sizing guides, pliers, saws, etc. to help create and design the jewelry, but without something to determine how affordable the jewelry in question may be, everything else becomes moot. So if your jewelry needs to be fixed, don’t hit it with a hammer. Take it to the person with the tools.


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