Friday 21 November 2014

When it comes to the very day you are supposed to stand up in front of God and your closest friends and family members to exchange diamond wedding rings with your beloved, you will likely be nervous. There is nothing wrong with being a little nervous about this day, but when does that anxiety transform into cold feet or a bigger problem? People always joke about getting cold feet because most of the time, it is nothing to worry about and could be explained as simply being nervous about being in the spotlight in front of so many people. However, that anxiety and your nerves are annoying, so here are some ways you can kick those anxious feelings to the curb and move on with this day, and your life.

The very first thing you must determine is why you are nervous. This will be a time when you truly need to be honest with yourself and really get to the bottom of your feelings. That feeling is there for a reason, and you are the only one who can pinpoint it and determine the cause. Before you exchange your diamond wedding rings, have a heart to heart with yourself. If your anxiety stems from being in front of a large crowd, then consider downsizing your guest list. If you do not have a job where you are forced to be in front of a room full of people on a regular basis, then you may seem a bit overwhelmed when it comes to this aspect of your wedding. There is nothing wrong with this. If you would feel more comfortable with just your friends and family members there, then that is your right to do so because this is your wedding!

If you are concerned about the actual marriage aspect of your wedding, then talk to your partner. Pull them aside amidst all the chaos and have a heart to heart with them. They will likely reassure you and you will know that you definitely want to go on and exchange luisa graff jewelers diamond wedding rings that are just so beautiful. These diamond rings will be the first thing someone notices about you, after all.

Right before you are about to walk down the aisle, breathe! This will physically calm you and will also allow you to focus on the most important day of your life! Have fun and enjoy every single moment.


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